Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. For most people the daily struggle is to find food and drinkable water. Healthcare is a luxury that few have access to or can afford. Dental care is even less accessible.
Baudin is a village in the mountains about 40 miles from the capital, Port-Au-Prince that our mission has served since 1996. The people in Baudin are farmers and depend on the severely deforested mountainsides and infrequent rains for their survival.
We started the dental mission working out of a dispensary in the village or homes that were vacated to allow us to set up a clinic. There is no running water or electricity in the mountains so initially the clinic functioned with flashlights and very rudimentary supplies and instruments.
Over the years we have evolved and have built a small clinic that houses an electric generator, air compressor, dental chairs, suction, and the equipment and supplies that allow us to extract teeth (the primary service we provide), do fillings, and clean teeth.
We usually make 3 mission trips per year and stay for 8 days. We work the clinic 5-6 days each trip, treating about 50 patients per day. Our group is all volunteers who pay their own expenses. Our volunteers come from all walks of life. Steve, Dr. Schubert’s main surgical assistant for many years, is a hairdresser by occupation. John, who sterilizes the instruments and prepares the treatment set up trays, is in the insurance field. Some of our volunteers have dental or medical knowledge/experience but most learn “on the job” in Haiti.
Our efforts over the years have made a significant improvement in the dental conditions of the people of Baudin and surrounding area and have provided relief from severe and chronic pain for many people. The horror of living with infected and broken teeth is very common and through financial support and volunteers we are able to provide many people relief from their pain.
If you are interested in going on a mission trip, please contact Dave or Laura Schubert at the address or phone numbers below. No dental or medical experience is needed, only a desire to participate.
If you wish to make a donation, please do so...
by PayPal:
by Mail:
Baudin Haiti Fund, Inc.
530 W 37th Street
Downers Grove, IL 60515
Dave Schubert
(630) 452-1425
Laura Schubert
(630) 430-3362